Willing to pay more for environmentally friendly packaging
Release time:2019-07-22
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – A study conducted by Exal Corp. and Boston Consulting Group shows that a majority of Americans are willing to pay more for beverages with eco-friendly packaging.
According to the report, 55% of survey participants said they are willing to pay least 5% more for beverages contained in green packaging, while 47% were willing to pay that much more for personal care products that come in environmentally friendly packaging.
Moreover, about 25% of consumers were willing to pay up to 20% more for these products if they were packaged in eco-friendly
containers, according to the report.
Nearly 60% of consumers say they were less likely to buy products that are packaged with materials deemed harmful to the environment, the report shows, while 37% responded that they wouldn’t buy them at all.
“The research shows us that being green isn’t just a trend,” said Michael Mapes, CEO of Exal. “Consumers are translating their beliefs into action and are willing to speak with their wallets.”