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India banned disposable plastic products since October

Release time:2019-09-02
According to the survey, as many as half of disposable plastic products eventually cause marine life to die and interfere with the human food chain, so the plastic pollution of the ocean is particularly striking. (Reuters)

(New Delhi, Reuters) Indian officials said that from October 2, the use of up to six disposable plastic products such as plastic bags, plastic cups, plates, straws, small bottles and bags will be imposed nationwide. This is expected to reduce India's annual use of 14 million tons of plastics by 5% to 10%. The first half of the ban will be an adaptation period, and the authorities will ban offenders afterwards.

In the August 15th Indian Independence Day speech, Modi urged the people and government agencies to take the first step toward the goal of zero disposable plastic products on October 2nd, and plan to start in 2022. The use of disposable plastics was completely abolished before. Some areas in India have now announced a ban on the use of polyethylene bags.

An official said: "This will be a comprehensive ban covering the manufacturing, use and import of disposable plastic products."

The Indian federal government also plans to set stricter environmental standards for plastic products, and will only use recycled plastic products in the legislation. Officials said the authorities would also require e-commerce companies to reduce the use of plastic on packaging, which accounts for 40% of the country's plastic use. India’s lack of systematic treatment of plastic waste has led to widespread littering in municipalities.

The world is increasingly concerned about plastic pollution, and surveys show that as many as half of disposable plastic products end up causing marine life to die and interfere with human food chains, so the plastic pollution of the ocean is particularly striking.

The EU plans to ban plastic disposable straws, plastic knife box forks and disposable plastic products such as cotton swabs by 2021. Shanghai, China is also gradually controlling the use of disposable plastics in the catering industry, and Hainan Province has vowed to completely eliminate the use of disposable plastics by 2025.

China Foshan Meishi Machinery Co., Ltd. is committed to the automation of environmentally-friendly paper tableware production, environmentally-friendly paper tray production automation, and environmentally-friendly pulp molding production automation.
