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NatureFresh pulp trays starts ‘ambitious’ sustainability plan

Release time:2019-10-28
NatureFresh Farms, Leamington, Ontario, has distributed six million products with compostable pulp molded trays in the past year.

The greenhouse grower started using the sustainable packaging a year ago on mini cucumbers, working with nearby tray manufacturer Pulp Moulded Products, Newmarket, Ontario, according to a news release.

“NatureFresh has given me the opportunity to really pursue this innovative packaging design and have supported the effort to introduce greener alternatives into their packaging,” Luci Faas, product development specialist at NatureFresh, said in the release.

Faas worked with Pulp Moulded Products’ Gord Heyting to develop the packaging, an alternative to polystyrene foam trays, according to the release.

Interest from retailers and consumers led to the change in packaging, according to NatureFresh, and the six million pulp trays represents diverting 67,200 pounds of Styrofoam products to landfills, according to the release.

“Seeing the actual numbers from the past year gives us a greater awareness of the considerable difference we are making to the environment by being more sustainable in our packaging,” Frank Neufeld, sales manager at NatureFresh Farms, said in the release. “We are inspired by the positive affect one company can have – but think about the kind of impact we could have collectively if plastic-free packaging were to become an industry standard.”

The company has “ambitious” expansion plans for sustainable packaging, according to the release.
