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Opinions on Further Strengthening the Control of Plastic Pollution

Release time:2020-02-24
The document has set step-by-step timelines to reduce the use of single-use, non-degradable plastics and parcel packaging in the next five years .

The use of nondegradable plastic bags, for example, is expected to vanish in some major consuming sectors, including shopping malls, supermarkets and restaurant takeout services, first in metropolises by the end of this year and then in all major Chinese cities and all urban areas in coastal regions by the end of 2022.

Establish a complete plastics management system,make progress in the development of substitute products,significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfills,bring plastic pollution under effective control before 2025.

Non-degradable single-use plastic straws will be banned by the end of 2020, while non-degradable single-use plastic tableware will be banned from dining-in in cities. By the end of 2022, the ban on plastic tableware will be extended to dining-in in counties.

By the end of 2025, the use of non-degradable single-use plastic tableware for take-out in cities should be cut by 30 percent, according to the document.

Moreover, all hotels and guesthouses should stop using single-use plastic wares by 2025, while postal and express service outlets should cease using non-degradable plastic packaging, plastic tape and single-use plastic woven bags.
