Pulp Molding, Industrial Packaging, Paper Tray,forming machine,hot pressing machine
Product :
Pulp Molding, Industrial Packaging, Paper Tray,Electrotonic paper tray,Gift pulp tray,Appliance pulp tray,electromechanical paper tray,Meter pulp tray,Wine category pulp tray,Hardware pulp tray,Arts and crafts toys paper tray.
forming machine, hot pressing machine. A two-time hot press molding machine (mainly made of high-quality packaging, which is the highest precision and the smallest drafting angle)
Video for twice hot press machine: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDc1MjQ5Mzc0MA==.html?spm=a2h0c.8166622.PhoneSokuUgc_7.dtitle
video for forming machine: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDczMjcxNTc4OA==.html?spm=a2h0c.8166622.PhoneSokuUgc_1.dtitle
pulp tray production video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/K9wCzjMLWEM