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Meishi Automatic Small Production System

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Meishi  small fully automatic production system is suitable for producing high-quality 问wet pressing with a wide variety of varieties, small batches, high quality requirements, and low labor costs. It has the following characteristics:
1) The template size is 800x600mm, suitable for small batch products, and the mold cost is low.
2) Forming has cold pressing function and high precision of action. Suitable for high-quality pulp products and cup lids with high requirements and small angles.
3) Fully automatic froming, hot pressing, product removal, reducing labor costs and labor intensity, easy to recruit employees.
4) The overall structure is simple, easy to maintain, and the mold is easy to replace.
5) The equipment is safe, reliable, and intelligent.
6) The control system is an industrial PLC, which can be equipped with remote control modules. Engineers can remotely monitor and maintain it, and change the process according to customer requirements.
7) This production system integrates pulping, forming, hot pressing, vacuum,  compressed air. Once the system is properly placed and connected to water, electricity, and pipelines, production can begin.
8) This system is an independent production unit with flexible production and is not affected by interference from other systems in the factory.
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